Q&A for people looking to bypass life's everyday problems with simple tricks
-- Generalist Progression WITH tags40 AS (SELECT TOP 45 tagid, Count(*) as Cnt FROM posttags GROUP BY tagid ORDER BY Count(*) DESC), answers AS (SELECT score, id, parentId FROM posts -- find responses of questions WHERE communityowneddate IS NULL -- which are non-comm-wiki AND posttypeid = 2 -- answers AND owneruserid = ##UserId## -- by you ) SELECT t.TagName, Sum(a.score) AS score, Cnt, CASE WHEN Sum(a.score) >= 15 THEN '' ELSE '!' END FROM tags40 f INNER JOIN posttags pt ON f.tagid = pt.tagid INNER JOIN tags t ON f.tagid = t.id LEFT JOIN answers a ON pt.postid = a.parentId -- find tags of your answers GROUP BY t.tagname, Cnt ORDER BY Cnt DESC