Possible moderator candidates


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All Users which have the necessary reputation and Badges for the 2011 Stack Overflow Moderator election: http://stackoverflow.com/election/2 (Changed again because of changing requirements: now without the Pundit and Yearling Badges.) See http://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/s/2044/ for a different order (and more efficient SQL).


Q&A for people looking to bypass life's everyday problems with simple tricks

-- Possible moderator candidates
-- All Users which have the necessary reputation and Badges for
-- the 2011 Stack Overflow Moderator election: http://stackoverflow.com/election/2
-- (Changed again because of changing requirements: now without the Pundit and Yearling Badges.)
-- See http://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/s/2044/ for a different order
-- (and more efficient SQL).

Select Id as [User Link], Reputation
 from Users
 where Reputation >= 3000
   and exists (Select Id from Badges b where b.UserId = Users.Id and b.Name = 'Civic Duty')
   and exists (Select Id from Badges b where b.UserId = Users.Id and b.Name = 'Strunk & White')
   and exists (Select Id from Badges b where b.UserId = Users.Id and b.Name = 'Deputy')
   and exists (Select Id from Badges b where b.UserId = Users.Id and b.Name = 'Convention')
   -- and exists (Select Id from Badges b where b.UserId = Users.Id and b.Name = 'Pundit')
   -- and exists (Select Id from Badges b where b.UserId = Users.Id and b.Name = 'Yearling')
order by Reputation desc

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