Compare Answers To Common Question Vs. Another User


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And updated query to the query "Jon Skeet comparison" that allows for comparison against any user.

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declare @UserId int = ##UserId##;
declare @OpponentUserId int = ##OpponentUserId##;

with fights as (
  select myAnswer.ParentId as Question,
   myAnswer.Score as MyScore,
   opponentAnswer.Score as OpponentScore
  from Posts as myAnswer
  inner join Posts as opponentAnswer
   on opponentAnswer.OwnerUserId = @OpponentUserId and myAnswer.ParentId = opponentAnswer.ParentId
  where myAnswer.ownerUserId = @UserId and myAnswer.postTypeId = 2

   when myScore > OpponentScore then 'You win'
   when myScore < OpponentScore then 'You lose'
   else 'Tie'
  end as 'Winner',
  Question as [Post Link],
  myScore as 'My score',
  OpponentScore as "Opponent's score"
from fights;

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