Days to Close a Question by Creation Month


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Literature Meta

Q&A about the site for scholars and enthusiasts of literature

SELECT date1, AVG(diff1) as cnt

    DATEDIFF(day, d.CreationDate, d.ClosedDate) as [diff1],
    FORMAT (d.CreationDate, 'yy-MM') as [date1],
    FORMAT (d.ClosedDate, 'yy-MM') as [date2],
    (d.Id) as id
  FROM Posts d  -- d=duplicate
    LEFT JOIN PostHistory ph ON ph.PostId = d.Id
    LEFT JOIN PostLinks pl ON pl.PostId = d.Id
    LEFT JOIN Posts o ON o.Id = pl.RelatedPostId  -- o=original
    d.PostTypeId = 1  -- 1=Question
    AND ph.PostHistoryTypeId = 10  -- 10=Post Closed
  ) as t1
group by date1
order by date1

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