How many upvotes do I have for each tag?


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how long before I get tag badges?

Martial Arts

Q&A for students and teachers of all martial arts

select  p1.Id, p1.PostTypeId, p1.AcceptedAnswerId, p1.ParentId, p1.CreationDate, p1.DeletionDate, p1.Score, p1.ViewCount,
p1.OwnerUserId, p1.OwnerDisplayName, p1.LastEditorUserId, p1.LastEditorDisplayName, p1.LastEditDate, p1.LastActivityDate,
p1.Title, p1.Tags, p1.AnswerCount, p1.CommentCount, p1.FavoriteCount, p1.ClosedDate, p1.CommunityOwnedDate, p1.ContentLicense,
p2.Id, p2.PostTypeId, p2.AcceptedAnswerId, p2.ParentId, p2.CreationDate, p2.DeletionDate, p2.Score, p2.ViewCount,
p2.OwnerUserId, p2.OwnerDisplayName, p2.LastEditorUserId, p2.LastEditorDisplayName, p2.LastEditDate, p2.LastActivityDate,
p2.Title, p2.Tags, p2.AnswerCount, p2.CommentCount, p2.FavoriteCount, p2.ClosedDate, p2.CommunityOwnedDate, p2.ContentLicense, comments.Id,comments.postid,comments.text,comments.CreationDate,comments.userid
from posts p2 
join posts p1  on p1.posttypeid=1 and p1.CreationDate between '2022/2/1 00:00:00' and '2022/2/3 00:00:00'and p2.posttypeid=2 and 
join comments on;

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