Q&A for students and teachers of all martial arts
declare @Start DATETIME = ##AcceptedAfter:string?2023-01-01## declare @End DATETIME = ##AcceptedBefore:string?2023-03-01## PRINT 'from ' + format(@Start, 'D') + ' to ' + format(@End, 'D') select q.id AS [Post Link], aa.body AS "Accepted Answer", aa.score AS "Accepted Score", a.body AS "Other Answer", a.score AS "Other Score" from posts q inner join posts aa on q.acceptedanswerid = aa.id --- accepted answer inner join posts a on ( a.parentid = q.id --- join q's with a's and a.id != aa.id --- not the accepted answer and a.score = ( SELECT MIN(Score) FROM Posts a WHERE a.ParentId = q.Id AND a.PostTypeId = 2 -- Ensure it's an answer ) ) where q.creationdate between @Start and @End --- asked in RANGE and q.posttypeid=1 --- questions and q.answercount > 1 --- not just accepted answer and aa.score > 0 --- accepted answer has upvotes order by aa.score ;