Question in [RANGE] / Accepted Answer / Worst Answer


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Martial Arts

Q&A for students and teachers of all martial arts

declare @Start DATETIME = ##PostedAfter:string?2022-01-01##;
declare @End DATETIME = ##PostedBefore:string?2023-01-01##;

PRINT 'from ' + format(@Start, 'D') + ' to ' + format(@End, 'D');

WITH Questions AS (
  SELECT top 1000 q.*
  FROM Posts q
  where q.posttypeid=1 --- questions
  and q.creationdate between @Start and @End --- asked in RANGE
  and q.score >= 0 --- positive score
  and q.answercount > 1 --- not just accepted answer
  order by NEWID()

select AS "Question Id", q.title AS "Question Title", q.body AS "Question Body", 
  aa.body AS "Accepted Answer", aa.score AS "Accepted Score", 
  a.body AS "Worst Answer", a.score AS "Worst Score" 
from Questions q 
inner join posts aa on q.acceptedanswerid = --- accepted answer
inner join posts a on ( = (
          SELECT TOP 1 --- lowest scoring answer
          FROM Posts a
          WHERE a.ParentId = q.Id 
          ORDER BY a.score asc, asc --- break ties deterministically by sorting id
  and a.score < aa.score --- strictly worse than aa
where aa.score > 0 --- accepted answer has upvotes

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