Tags Used Frequently Together


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Martial Arts

Q&A for students and teachers of all martial arts

select [tag row], [python], [pandas], [sql] 

from (
select ptr.postid, trow.tagname [tag row], tcol.tagname [tag col] 
from posttags ptr
inner join tags trow 
   on trow.id = ptr.tagid
inner join posttags ptc 
   on ptr.postid = ptc.postid
inner join tags tcol on tcol.id = ptc.tagid
) data
pivot (
  for [tag col] in ([python], [pandas], [sql])
) pvt
order by 4 desc 

select tcol.tagname [tag col] , count(*) [# posts shared]
from posttags ptr
inner join tags trow 
   on trow.id = ptr.tagid
inner join posttags ptc 
   on ptr.postid = ptc.postid
inner join tags tcol on tcol.id = ptc.tagid
where trow.tagname = 'python'
group by  tcol.tagname
order by count(*) desc

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