perc of rep come from answer upvote


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Find the highest-rep users whose combined reputation is more than X% of the total user reputation. Let's make Pareto proud.


Q&A for people studying math at any level and professionals in related fields


DECLARE @MyAnswerUpped       int = 0; -- +10

    --@MyAnswerUpped = COUNT(*)
    --select count(*) *10 as AnsRep, max(t1.Reputation) as TotRep ,t1.Id
    select avg(RepRatio) from
    select (sum(case when Q.AcceptedAnswerId is null then 1 else 0 end)*15+
     count(*) *10.0 )/ max(t1.Reputation) as RepRatio ,t1.Id
FROM Posts

    INNER JOIN Votes ON Posts.Id = Votes.PostId 
                      and Votes.VoteTypeId = 2 
                      and Posts.PostTypeId = 2
      select  Id, Reputation 
      from Users

      where Reputation > 100000 and Reputation < 110000

      )as t1 ON t1.Id = Posts.OwnerUserId 
    left JOIN Posts AS Q ON Q.Id = Posts.ParentId and Q.AcceptedAnswerId = Posts.Id
group by t1.Id
    )as tratio

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