50 000 questions from StackOverflow with 100 most frequent tags


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-- Obtenir 50 000 questions de StackOverflow avec les 100 tags les plus fréquents
-- qui ont au moins 1 réponse, ont été vues par plus de 10 personnes et ont un score > 5

WITH TopTags AS (
    SELECT TOP 100 TagName
    FROM (
        SELECT TagName, COUNT(PostId) AS TagCount
        FROM Tags
        JOIN PostTags ON Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId
        JOIN Posts ON Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId
        GROUP BY TagName
    ) AS Top50Tags

SELECT TOP 50000 Posts.Id, Posts.Title, Posts.Body, Posts.Score, Posts.ViewCount, Posts.AnswerCount
FROM Posts
JOIN PostTags ON Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId
JOIN Tags ON PostTags.TagId = Tags.Id
WHERE Tags.TagName IN (SELECT TagName FROM TopTags)
  AND Posts.AnswerCount > 0
  AND Posts.ViewCount > 10
  AND Posts.Score > 5

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