Q&A for mechanics and DIY enthusiast owners of cars, trucks, and motorcycles
/*select top p.PostTypeId, Prog_Language as from Posts as p where Tags = '<c#>' or Tags = '<java>' */ --select * from PostTypes select p.Title, IIF(p.Tags like '%c#%', 'C#', 'Java') as Language, p.CreationDate, p.Score, ISNULL(p.ViewCount, 0) as 'View count', ISNULL(p.FavoriteCount, 0) as 'Favorite count', ISNULL(p.AnswerCount, 0) as 'Answer count', u.DisplayName as 'Poster name', u.Reputation as 'Poster reputation' from Posts as p, Users as u where (Tags like '%<c#>%' or Tags like '%<java>%') and PostTypeId = 1 and Year(p.CreationDate) = 2012 and Month(p.CreationDate) = 10 and u.Id = p.OwnerUserId and p.ClosedDate IS NULL