Open question roomba


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The roomba for these questions runs on Saturdays. Depending on the post score and whether the poster's account has been deleted, these questions could be eligible for the roomba after either 30 or 365 days. See

Academia Meta

Q&A about the site for academics and those enrolled in higher education

-- If the question is more than 365 days old, and ...
select Posts.CreationDate, Posts.OwnerUserId, Users.DisplayName, ViewCount, 
  Posts.Id as [Post Link], Tags
from Posts 

  -- joining tables
  Users.Id = Posts.OwnerUserId 
  -- satisfying conditions
  and Posts.PostTypeId = 1 -- is a question
  and Posts.Score <= 0 -- has a score of 0
  and Posts.AnswerCount = 0 -- has no answers
  and Posts.CommentCount < 2  -- has 1 or 0 comments
  and Posts.ViewCount <= DATEDIFF(DAY, Posts.CreationDate, GETDATE()) * 1.5 -- has view count <= the age of the question in days times 1.5
  and DATEDIFF(DAY, Posts.CreationDate, GETDATE()) > (365 - ##WillBedeletedInXDays?10##) -- is old
  -- post is not locked
  and not exists (
        select PostHistory.Id from PostHistory 
        where PostHistory.PostId = Posts.Id
        and PostHistory.PostHistoryTypeId = 14 -- post is locked
order by Posts.CreationDate asc

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