Questions (from inactive users) with one vote missing to automatic deletion


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This query aims to identify borderline questions to the RemoveDeadQuestions script (; i.e., questions older than 30 days, with no answers, not locked, and score equal to zero (one vote missing to -1 which is the last criterium needed for deletion). The query will also filter questions from inactive OPs ('n' days or more), such posts are more likely to be abandoned and/or being of low quality. Tweak (by forking the query) the optional conditions in the WHERE clause to narrow or broaden the search scope. In summary, a downvote will target questions for deletion. An upvote will push them away. If upvoting, try also editing the question for quality/readability. Posting a valuable answer would be even better.

Ask Ubuntu Meta

Q&A about the site for Ubuntu users and developers

SELECT p.Id AS [Post Link], -- magic column for post hyperlink (
       u.Reputation as [User Reputation],
FROM Posts p
JOIN Users u ON u.Id = p.OwnerUserId
      p.PostTypeId = 1 AND -- questions.
      p.CreationDate < GETDATE() - 30 AND -- older than 30 days.
      p.Score < 1 AND -- borderline Qs (= 0) + Qs already awaiting roomba (< 0).
      p.AnswerCount = 0
       SELECT *
       FROM PostHistory ph
       WHERE ph.PostId = p.Id
       AND ph.PostHistoryTypeId = 14 -- not locked.
      ) AND
      p.ClosedDate is NULL AND
      -- OPTIONAL
      u.LastAccessDate < GETDATE() - ##days:int?365## -- users inactive for 'n' days or more.
      --days: Users inactive for most recent 'n' days:
      -- AND p.ClosedDate is NULL -- exclude closed posts.
ORDER BY p.Score DESC, -- borderline Qs first.
         p.CreationDate ASC; -- start by the oldest.

-- Linked posts: 
-- CV -

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