Q&A about the site for Ubuntu users and developers
SELECT TOP 100 -- Limit to 100 rows p.Id, p.AcceptedAnswerId, p.CreationDate, p.Score, p.ViewCount, p.Body, p.Title, p.Tags, p.AnswerCount, p.CommentCount, p.FavoriteCount, p.ClosedDate FROM Posts p WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1 -- Only questions -- AND p.CreationDate >= '2022-01-01' -- Limit to recent posts AND ( p.Tags LIKE '%<quantum-computing>%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%<quantum-programming>%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%<qiskit>%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%<pennylane>%' OR p.Body LIKE '%quantum computing%' ) ORDER BY p.CreationDate DESC;