Q&A about the site for Ubuntu users and developers
SELECT DISTINCT Users.DisplayName, Users.Location, Users.CreationDate AS RegistrationDate, Users.LastAccessDate, Users.Reputation, Users.Views, CONCAT('https://stackoverflow.com/users/', Users.Id) AS ProfileUrl, Users.WebsiteUrl, CONCAT('https://www.google.com/search/?q=', LOWER(REPLACE(Users.DisplayName COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT, ' ', '+'))) AS GoogleSearchUrl, CONCAT('https://plus.google.com/s/', LOWER(REPLACE(Users.DisplayName COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT, ' ', '+'))) AS GooglePlusSearchUrl, CONCAT('https://github.com/search?type=Users&q=', LOWER(REPLACE(Users.DisplayName COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT, ' ', '+'))) AS GitHubSearchUrl, CONCAT('https://www.linkedin.com/vsearch/p?keywords=', LOWER(REPLACE(Users.DisplayName COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT, ' ', '+'))) AS LinkedInSearchUrl, CONCAT('https://twitter.com/search?mode=users&q=', LOWER(REPLACE(Users.DisplayName COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT, ' ', '+'))) AS TwitterSearchUrl FROM Users INNER JOIN Posts AS Answers ON Answers.OwnerUserId = Users.Id AND Answers.PostTypeId = 2 AND Answers.Score >= 1 INNER JOIN Posts AS Questions ON Questions.Id = Answers.ParentId INNER JOIN PostTags ON PostTags.PostId = Questions.Id INNER JOIN Tags ON Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId WHERE Users.Reputation >= 100 AND Users.LastAccessDate >= DATEADD(MONTH, -24, GETDATE()) AND ( LOWER(Users.Location) LIKE '%sindias%' OR LOWER(Users.Location) LIKE '%hyderabad%' OR LOWER(Users.Location) LIKE '%shyderabad%' ) AND Tags.TagName = 'database' ORDER BY Users.Reputation DESC;