Bounty to Reputation Comparison


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SELECT Aggregate.UserId AS [User Link],
  FROM (SELECT Selection.UserId,
               CAST(Selection.TotalBounty AS FLOAT) AS TotalBounty,
               Selection.TotalBounty + Users.Reputation AS TotalReputation
          FROM (SELECT UserId,
                       sum(BountyAmount) AS TotalBounty
                  FROM Votes
                 WHERE VoteTypeId = (SELECT Id
                                       FROM VoteTypes
                                      WHERE Name = 'BountyStart')
                   AND BountyAmount != 0
                 GROUP BY UserId) Selection
          JOIN Users
            ON Users.Id = Selection.UserId
         WHERE Users.Location = 'Pensacola, FL') Aggregate
 ORDER BY Aggregate.TotalBounty / Aggregate.TotalReputation DESC,
          Aggregate.TotalReputation ASC;

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