select posts.Id as answer_id, PostTypeId as post_type, po...


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Audio-Video Production Meta

Q&A about the site for engineers, producers, editors, and enthusiasts spanning the fields of video, and media creation

select posts.Id as answer_id, PostTypeId as post_type,
       posts.CreationDate as answer_creation_date, Body as answer_body, ParentId as question_id,
       OwnerUserId as user_id ,
       Users.DisplayName as user_name , Users.CreationDate as user_creation_date ,
       Users.Reputation ,Users.views as user_num_views ,Users.UpVotes as user_up_votes ,
       Users.DownVotes as user_down_votes, WebsiteUrl as user_url , Location as user_location , AboutMe as user_about,  score as answer_score
      from posts LEFT JOIN Users ON posts.OwnerUserId = Users.Id
      where (PostTypeId = 2 and ParentId IN(
      select Id from Posts
      where CreationDate >='##date1##' and CreationDate < '##date2##' and PostTypeId=1
      and tags LIKE '%<##TagName##>%' ))

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