Top users per tag and location


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Audio-Video Production Meta

Q&A about the site for engineers, producers, editors, and enthusiasts spanning the fields of video, and media creation

-- Top users per tag

declare @user_id int = ##UserID##;
declare @limit int = ##Limit##;
declare @tag_id int = (select id from tags where tagname = '##TagName##');

--select rank() over (order by score desc) "Rank", * from (
select top (@limit)
  rank() over (order by sum(answers.score) desc) "Rank", "User Link"
  ,sum(answers.score) as "Score"
  ,(case when = @user_id then '<<<<' else '' end)
from users
join posts answers on ( = answers.owneruserid)
join posts parent on (answers.parentid =
join posttags on ( = posttags.postid)
where posttags.tagid = @tag_id
and answers.posttypeid = 2  -- answers only
group by
order by sum(answers.score) desc

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