Q&A about the site for biology researchers, academics, and students
declare @tot integer = (select count(*) from users) ;with users_ranked as ( select RANK() OVER(ORDER BY u.Reputation DESC) AS rnk, NTile(100) OVER(ORDER BY u.Reputation DESC) AS ntile, u.id AS uid, u.Reputation rep FROM Users u ) SELECT 'You', r.rnk AS [Rank], r.ntile, convert(decimal, r.rnk) / @tot * 100.0 perc, r.uid AS [User Link], r.rep AS [Reputation] FROM users_ranked r WHERE r.uid = ##userid## UNION ALL SELECT 'Community', r.rnk, r.ntile, convert(decimal, r.rnk) / @tot * 100.0 , r.uid, r.rep FROM users_ranked r ORDER BY 1 DESC, r.rep DESC