Q&A about the site for serious players and enthusiasts of chess
SELECT p.Id AS QuestionId, p.Title AS QuestionTitle, p.Tags AS TagSet, CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('><', p.Tags) > 0 THEN LEFT(p.Tags, CHARINDEX('><', p.Tags) - 1) ELSE p.Tags END AS PrimaryTag, -- Extracts the first tag or the whole tag if there's only one p.ViewCount AS TotalViews, -- Total views of the question p.OwnerUserId AS QuestionUserId, -- User ID of the person who asked the question u.Reputation AS QuestionUserReputation, -- Reputation of the question asker p.CreationDate AS QuestionCreationTime -- When the question was created FROM Posts p JOIN Users u ON p.OwnerUserId = u.Id -- Join to fetch user details WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1 -- PostTypeId 1 indicates questions AND p.AcceptedAnswerId IS NULL -- Filters out questions with an accepted answer AND p.CreationDate >= '2015-12-01' AND p.CreationDate < '2024-12-02'; -- Filters questions between Dec 1, 2015, and Dec 1, 2024