List of Users in Turkey.
Q&A about the site for programming puzzle enthusiasts and code golfers
-- List of Users in Turkey SELECT Top ##Top## ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Reputation DESC) AS [#], Id AS [User Link], Reputation, Location, --CreationDate, LastAccessDate, UpVotes, DownVotes FROM Users WHERE ( lower(Location) LIKE '%turkey%' -- OR Location LIKE '%TR' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'adana' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'adapazarı' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'ankara' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'antalya' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'bafra' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'bakırköy' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'balıkesir' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'beyşehir' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'bursa' OR Location LIKE 'Çanakkale' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'cordaleo' OR Location LIKE 'Çubuk' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'denizli' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'diyarbakir' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'edirne' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'edremit' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'eskişehir' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'eskisehir' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'fethiye' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'fikirtepe' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'gaziantep' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'gaziemir' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'hadimkoy' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'hatay' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'isparta' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'istanbul' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'izmir' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'kayseri' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'kocaeli' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'konya' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'kuşadası' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'manisa' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'manyas' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'marmaris' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'mersin' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'mugla' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'muğla' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'nevşehir' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'ordu' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'sakarya' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'samsun' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'serik' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'smyrna' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'suluova' OR lower(Location) LIKE 'trabzon' ) -- exclusions and not( lower(Location) LIKE '%gorduno%' --Switzerland (Ordu in Turkey) ) and LEN(Location) > 1 --and Reputation > 1 --Temporarily sort by location to more easily pick out false positive entries --ORDER BY Location ASC;