Q&A about the site for programming puzzle enthusiasts and code golfers
SELECT u.Id AS [User Link], CONCAT('https://stackoverflow.com/users/', u.Id) AS [Profile Link], u.DisplayName, u.Location, u.WebsiteUrl, u.AboutMe, u.Views, u.UpVotes, u.DownVotes, questions.QuestionsPosted, answers.AnswersPosted FROM Users u JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT UserId FROM Badges WHERE LOWER(Name) IN ('kubernetes') AND Class IN (1) AND TagBased = 1 ) tag_badges ON tag_badges.UserId = u.Id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT OwnerUserId, COUNT(*) AS QuestionsPosted FROM Posts JOIN PostTypes ON PostTypes.Id = Posts.PostTypeId WHERE PostTypes.Name = 'Question' GROUP BY Posts.OwnerUserId ) questions ON questions.OwnerUserId = u.Id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT OwnerUserId, COUNT(*) AS AnswersPosted FROM Posts JOIN PostTypes ON PostTypes.Id = Posts.PostTypeId WHERE PostTypes.Name = 'Answer' GROUP BY Posts.OwnerUserId ) answers ON answers.OwnerUserId = u.Id WHERE LOWER(Location) LIKE '%chicago%'