Previous queries haven't taken into consideration all the requirements laid out in
Q&A about the site for programming puzzle enthusiasts and code golfers
DECLARE @user INT = ##UserId:int## DECLARE @edits INT SELECT @edits = COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT PH.PostId, P.* , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY PH.PostId ORDER BY PH.CreationDate ASC) [row] FROM PostHistory PH INNER JOIN Posts as P on PH.PostId=P.Id -- Not editing own posts WHERE PH.UserId=@user and P.OwnerUserId <> @user -- Only question, answers, community wikis and tag wikis AND P.PostTypeId IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) -- Only title and body edits qualify AND PH.PostHistoryTypeId in (4, 5) -- Edits on deleted posts don't count AND P.ClosedDate IS NULL ) P -- Multiple edits to same post don't count WHERE P.[row] = 1 SELECT @edits [Total Valid Edits], CAST(ROUND(@edits * 1.25, 2) as VARCHAR(10)) + '%' as [Strunk And White], CAST(ROUND(@edits / 5.0, 2) as VARCHAR(10)) + '%' as [Copy Editor]