Gets all posts you have edited and >Gets the difference in months, between when they were created and when they were last active. >Gets the difference in months, between when they were created and when they were **last edited**. This could help you figure how close you are to Excavator and Archeologist
Q&A about the site for programming puzzle enthusiasts and code golfers
SELECT Id as [Post Link] --,CreationDate --,LastActivityDate ,DATEDIFF(month,CreationDate,GETDATE()) As MonthsAgoCreated ,DATEDIFF(month,LastActivityDate,GETDATE()) As MonthsAgoActive ,(DATEDIFF(month,CreationDate,GETDATE())- DATEDIFF(month,LastActivityDate,GETDATE())) As Creation_Active_DateDiff ,DATEDIFF(month,CreationDate,LastEditDate) As Creation_Edit_DateDiff ,DATEDIFF(month,LastActivityDate,LastEditDate) As Activ_Edit_DateDiff FROM Posts WHERE LastEditorUserId = '##UserId##' AND OwnerUserId != '##UserId##' Order By --Creation_Active_DateDiff Creation_Edit_DateDiff desc /* As always I'm doing this as a learning exercise and some of my findings were The column alias cannot be referenced in the select portion of the clause: */