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Answers which would be enlightened with one more upvote.

Drupal Answers Meta

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-- Unenlightened answers
-- Answers which would be enlightened with one more upvote.

select top 200 a.id "Post Link", a.creationdate, u.id "User Link", u.reputation
from posts a
inner join posts q on (a.parentid = q.id)
inner join users u on (a.owneruserid = u.id)
where a.posttypeid = 2
and a.score = 9
and a.id = q.acceptedanswerid
--and a.communityowneddate is null
and a.owneruserid != q.owneruserid
and a.creationdate <= (select min(creationdate) from posts where parentid = a.parentid)
order by u.reputation asc

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