People Reached is an estimate of how many times your Questions or Answers have been useful to somebody
Q&A about the site for Drupal developers and administrators
-- QueryID=1321873 -- Title=People Reached (Final) -- Description=People Reached is an estimate of how many times your Questions or Answers have been useful to somebody /* Reference: - Forked from: - People Reached is an estimate of how many times your Questions or Answers have been useful to somebody. It's calculated based on the following criteria: Questions and Answers - Non-deleted Answers - Not a self-answer (views are already calculated in the question) - Score > 0 (upvotes + downvotes > 0) - 1 of 4 criteria below - (#1) Accepted - (#2) Score >= 5 - (#3) Tops 3 highest score answers - (#4) Has 20% of the total answer vote count If the condition is met, you get all views of the question, otherwise, you get none. */ set nocount on declare @userId int = ##userID?9449426## declare @questionType tinyint = 1 declare @answerType tinyint = 2 -- it's 2020 and I can't even have a boolean literal declare @true bit = convert(bit, 1) declare @false bit = convert(bit, 0) declare @dt1 varchar(25) = convert(varchar, getdate(), 21) -- list eligible answers select id, parentId, creationDate, score, postTypeId, ownerUserId into #eligibleAnswers from posts a where ownerUserId = @userId and postTypeId = @answerType and score > 0 -- no self-answer and ( select count(id) from posts q where a.parentId = and q.ownerUserId = @userId ) = 0 -- and deletionDate is null -- Note: Deleted posts are stored in PostsWithDeleted table and -- ALREADY EXCLUDED from this table declare @dt2 varchar(25) = convert(varchar, getdate(), 21) ------ Populate #1 and #2 ------ select a.creationDate, as aID, --answer ID a.parentId, --question ID a.score, a.postTypeId, a.ownerUserId, q.title, q.viewCount [views], -- rank for multiple answers by the same users in a question -- used to filter out all answers but the highest score one to -- remove duplicated views when computing rank() over (partition by a.parentId order by a.score desc) as [ownAnswerRank], iif ( = q.acceptedAnswerId, 1, 0) as [1of4:IsAccepted], iif (a.score >= 5, 1, 0) as [2of4:ScoreMin5], a.score as [Votes:me], --total vote count of all answers of this question ( select sum(aa.Score) as [Votes:all] from posts aa where aa.parentId = ) as [Votes:all] into #answers2 from #eligibleAnswers a left join posts q on a.parentId = where q.postTypeId = @questionType declare @dt3 varchar(25) = convert(varchar,getdate(),21) ------ Populate #3 ------ select *, iif ( (cast([Votes:me] as decimal) / -- fix divide to 0 bug iif ([Votes:all] <= 0, 1, [Votes:all]) ) >= 0.2, 1, 0) as [3of4:20pVotes] into #answers3 from #answers2 -- get the highest score answer if there are many in one -- question where ownAnswerRank = 1 declare @dt4 varchar(25) = convert(varchar,getdate(),21) -- Create a list of all answers per question -- to determine if your answer is in Top 3 select pAll.parentId as [qID], as [aID], pAll.ownerUserId, rank() over ( partition by pAll.parentId order by pAll.score desc ) as [Rank] into #voteRanks from #answers3 pMine left join posts pAll on pMine.parentId = pAll.parentId where pMine.ownerUserId = @userId and pall.parentid is not null and pMine.postTypeId = @answerType declare @dt5 varchar(25) = convert(varchar,getdate(),21) ------ Populate #4 ------ select a3.*, -- rank among answers for question vr.rank, -- in the top 3 answers for question ? iif (vr.rank <= 3, 1, 0) as [4of4:IsInTop3] into #answers4 from #answers3 a3 left join #voteRanks vr on a3.[aID] = vr.[aID] order by a3.[aID], vr.[aID] declare @dt6 varchar(25) = convert(varchar,getdate(),21) ------ Populate #5 ------ select *, iif ( [1of4:IsAccepted]+ [2of4:ScoreMin5]+ [3of4:20pVotes]+ [4of4:IsInTop3] > 0, @true, @false) as [impact], iif ( [1of4:IsAccepted]+ [2of4:ScoreMin5]+ [3of4:20pVotes]+ [4of4:IsInTop3] = 0, @true, @false) as [No1234] into #answers5 from #answers4 -----------------------------> (now has 1,2,3,4) declare @dt7 varchar(25) = convert(varchar,getdate(),21) ------ Populate Questions ------ select [creationDate], id, [title], [score], [postTypeId], ViewCount [views], @true as impact, -- all non-deleted questions are eligible 0 as [1of4:IsAccepted], 0 as [2of4:ScoreMin5], 0 as [3of4:20pVotes], 0 as [4of4:IsInTop3], 0 as [Votes:all], 0 as [Votes:me], 0 as [Rank], @false as [No1234] into #eligibleQuestions from posts where -- deletionDate is null and already excluded from source table postTypeId = @questionType and ownerUserId = @userId declare @dt8 varchar(25) = convert(varchar,getdate(),21) --- Table #1: Detail breakdown ---- select ------> FINALIZE ANSWER LIST -- format(creationDate,'yyyy-MM-dd') as [date], aID as [Post Link], -- [title], [impact], views, score, iif (postTypeId = @questionType, @true, @false) as [question], iif (postTypeId = @questionType, @false, @true) as [score>0], iif ([No1234]=1, @false, iif ([1of4:IsAccepted]=1, @true, null)) as [accepted], iif ([No1234]=1, @false, iif ([2of4:ScoreMin5]=1, @true, null)) as [score5+], iif ([No1234]=1, @false, iif ([3of4:20pVotes]=1, @true, null)) as [20%Votes], iif ([No1234]=1, @false, iif ([4of4:IsInTop3]=1, @true, null)) as [top3] from #answers5 UNION all select ------> FINALIZE QUESTION LIST -- format(creationDate,'yyyy-MM-dd') as [date], id [Post Link], -- [title], [impact], views, score, iif (postTypeId = @questionType, @true, @false) as [question], iif (postTypeId = @questionType, @false, @true) as [score>0], iif ([No1234]=1, @false, iif ([1of4:IsAccepted]=1, @true, null)) as [accepted], iif ([No1234]=1, @false, iif ([2of4:ScoreMin5]=1, @true, null)) as [score5+], iif ([No1234]=1, @false, iif ([3of4:20pVotes]=1, @true, null)) as [20%Votes], iif ([No1234]=1, @false, iif ([4of4:IsInTop3]=1, @true, null)) as [top3] from #eligibleQuestions UNION all select ------> (list EXCLUDED answers - these all failed) -- format(a.creationDate,'yyyy-MM-dd') as [date], [Post Link], -- q.title, @false as impact, q.ViewCount [views], a.score, @false as question, @false as [score>0], null as [accepted], null as [score5+], null as [20%Votes], null as [top3] from posts a join posts q on = a.parentId where a.ownerUserId = @userId and a.postTypeId = @answerType and a.score <= 0 order by impact desc, views desc declare @dt9 varchar(25) = convert(varchar,getdate(),21) --- Table #2: last update date --- declare @dtUpdated datetime = ( select min(create_date) from sys.tables) select format(datediff(hh,@dtUpdated,getdate())/24.0,'0.0')+' days ago' as [lastUpdated], @dtUpdated as [lastUpdatedDate] declare @dt10 varchar(25) = convert(varchar,getdate(),21) --- Table #3: Total views by post type --- select 'question' as [postType], sum(iif (impact = 1, views, 0)) as [peopleReached] into #summary from #eligibleQuestions insert into #summary select 'answer' as [postType], sum(iif (impact = 1, views, 0)) as [peopleReached] from #answers5 insert into #summary select 'all' as [postType], (select sum(peopleReached) from #summary) as [peopleReached] select * from #summary declare @dt11 varchar(25) = convert(varchar,getdate(),21) --- Table #4: Total views by tag --- select tagName as tag, sum(iif (impact = 1, views, 0)) views from ( -- all eligible answers select t.tagName, q.viewCount views, impact from #answers5 a left join posts q on a.parentId = left join postTags pt on = pt.postId left join tags t on pt.tagId = union all -- all eligible questions select t.tagName, q.views, impact from #eligibleQuestions q left join postTags pt on = pt.postId left join tags t on pt.tagId = ) t group by tagName order by views desc declare @dt12 varchar(25) = convert(varchar,getdate(),21) --- Table #5: Total by Month --- select format(creationDate,'yyyy-MM') as [month], sum(iif (impact = 1, views, 0)) as [peopleReached] from ( select creationDate, impact, views from #answers5 union all select creationDate, impact, views from #eligibleQuestions ) t group by format(creationDate,'yyyy-MM') order by format(creationDate,'yyyy-MM') declare @dtEnd varchar(25) = convert(varchar,getdate(),21) print @dt1 print '1-2: ' + format(datediff(ms,@dt1,@dt2),'0ms') print '2-3: ' + format(datediff(ms,@dt2,@dt3),'0ms') print '3-4: ' + format(datediff(ms,@dt3,@dt4),'0ms') print '4-5: ' + format(datediff(ms,@dt4,@dt5),'0ms') print '5-6: ' + format(datediff(ms,@dt5,@dt6),'0ms') print '6-7: ' + format(datediff(ms,@dt6,@dt7),'0ms') print '7-8: ' + format(datediff(ms,@dt7,@dt8),'0ms') print '8-9: ' + format(datediff(ms,@dt8,@dt9),'0ms') print '9-10: ' + format(datediff(ms,@dt9,@dt10),'0ms') print '10-11: ' + format(datediff(ms,@dt10,@dt11),'0ms') print '11-12: ' + format(datediff(ms,@dt11,@dt12),'0ms') print '12-E: ' + format(datediff(ms,@dt12,@dtEnd),'0ms') print 'ALL: ' + format(datediff(ms,@dt1,@dtEnd),'0ms') print @dtEnd