Q&A about the site for Drupal developers and administrators
-- Select all valid databases. select dbid, name into #dbs from master..sysdatabases where name not in ('Data.StackExchange', 'master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb') and right(name, 5) <> '.Meta' or name = 'StackExchange.Meta' -- Loop through databases to find all users with high enough reputation. create table #topusers ( accountid int, userid int, rep int, site varchar(40) ) declare @id int, @db varchar(40), @sql varchar(max) while (select count(*) from #dbs) > 0 begin select top 1 @id = dbid, @db = name from #dbs set @sql = ' insert into #topusers select AccountId, Id, Reputation, ''' + @db + ''' from [' + @db + ']..[Users] where Reputation > ' + cast(##MinReputation:int?5000## as varchar(max)) exec (@sql) delete from #dbs where dbid = @id end -- Summarize the results nice and clean select 'http://stackexchange.com/users/' + cast(accountid as varchar(15)) + '|' + cast(accountid as varchar(15)) as [Account Link], count(accountid) as [Site count], stuff ( (select ', ' + case when left(site, 14) = 'stackexchange.' then substring(site, 15, len(site)) else site end + ':' + cast(rep as varchar(max)) from #topusers where (accountid = u.accountid) order by rep desc for xml path(''),type ).value('(./text())[1]','varchar(max)') ,1,2,'') as [Site:rep] from #topusers u group by accountid having count(accountid) >= ##OnMinSites:int?2## order by count(accountid) desc