Q&A about the site for Drupal developers and administrators
select eomonth(CreationDate), count(*) as 'Question Count', coalesce(count(case when AnswerCount > 0 then 0 end), 0) as 'Answered', -- coalesce(count(case when AnswerCount > 0 then 0 end)*100/count(*), 0) as 'Answer Rate', coalesce(count(case when ClosedDate is not null then 1 end), 0) as 'Closed' -- coalesce(count(case when ClosedDate != 0 then 1 end)*100/count(*), 0) as 'Closure Rate' from Posts where PostTypeId = 1 -- and CreationDate between convert(datetime, '2014/04/01') and convert(datetime, '2015/03/31') group by eomonth(CreationDate) order by eomonth(CreationDate) desc