Q&A about the site for Drupal developers and administrators
select distinct top ##Top:int?150## p.id as [Post Link], p.score, ph.comment as 'Close Type' from posts p left join posthistory ph on ph.postid = p.id left join votes v on (v.postid = p.id and v.votetypeid = '10') inner join posthistorytypes phn on phn.id = ph.posthistorytypeid inner join posts a on p.id = a.parentid where ph.comment != 1 and ph.comment != 101 and ph.posthistorytypeid = 10 and p.acceptedanswerid is null and p.closeddate is not null and p.tags like '%' + ##TagsContain:string?%%## + '%' and p.tags not like '%' + ##TagsDoNotContain:string?xyzzy## + '%' and p.viewcount < ##ViewCount:int?20000## and datediff(d, p.closeddate, getdate()) >= 9 and p.score >= ##MinScore:int?-10## and p.score <= ##MaxScore:int?10## group by p.id, p.score, v.votetypeid, ph.comment having count(v.votetypeid) = 0 and max(a.score) <= ##MaxAnswer:int?1## order by p.score asc