First Attempt at finding Serial Downvoting
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-- Simple query to identify people getting serially downvoted -- Version 2.0 ( Added Parameters to make search functionality configurable ) -- DateRange: How long should the query look back in days? High amounts can cause timeout. -- MinPosts: How many posts at the minimum have to have been downvoted? -- Sensitivity: How close do the downvotes have to have been to each other? More = Less restrictive -- MinDownvoteCount: How many downvotes does a post have to have recieved to be considered -- MaxDownvoteCount: How many downvotes can a post recieve before being no longer considered SELECT vdv.USER_ID AS [User Link], ( 'site://users/' + CONVERT(nvarchar(20),vdv.USER_ID) + '/' + REPLACE(MAX(u.DisplayName), ' ', '-') + '?tab=reputation' ) AS [Reputation Link], CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), vdv.VOTE_DATE, 107) AS [Date of Occurence], vdv.VOTE_COUNT AS [Votes per Post], COUNT(vdv.POST_ID) AS [Posts Downvoted] FROM ( --- Posts that have recieved more then 2 votes a day SELECT COUNT(v.Id) AS VOTE_COUNT, p.Id AS POST_ID, p.OwnerUserId AS USER_ID, v.CreationDate AS VOTE_DATE, MAX(v.Id) AS MAX_VOTE_ID FROM Votes AS v INNER JOIN Posts AS p ON v.PostId = p.Id WHERE ( v.CreationDate > DATEADD(dd, -##DateRange:int?800##, GETDATE()) ) AND ( v.VoteTypeId = 3 ) GROUP BY p.Id, v.CreationDate, p.OwnerUserId HAVING ( COUNT(v.Id) >= ##MinDownvoteCount:int?1## ) AND ( COUNT(v.Id) < ##MaxDownvoteCount:int?8## ) ) AS vdv INNER JOIN Users AS u ON vdv.USER_ID = u.Id GROUP BY vdv.USER_ID, vdv.VOTE_DATE, vdv.VOTE_COUNT, ( vdv.MAX_VOTE_ID / ##Sensitivity:int?400## ) HAVING COUNT(vdv.POST_ID) >= ##MinPosts:int?3## ORDER BY vdv.VOTE_DATE DESC