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select Posts.OwnerUserID as UserId, Users.DisplayName as UserName, Users.WebsiteURL as Website, 'https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/' + CAST(Users.Id as VARCHAR) + '/' as Profile, count(*) as PostCount, sum(Posts.Score) as Score, sum(Posts.Score) / CAST(count(*) AS FLOAT) as 'Average Score', min(Posts.CreationDate) as FirstPost, max(Posts.CreationDate) as LastPost, DATEDIFF(dd, min(Posts.CreationDate),max(Posts.CreationDate)) as Tenure from posts INNER JOIN Users on Users.Id = Posts.OwnerUserID where lower(Posts.Body) like '<h_>%' + lower('##Lang?Kotlin##') + '%</h_>%' group By Posts.OwnerUserID, Users.DisplayName,Users.WebsiteURL,Users.Id order by PostCount DESC