The last full day that the specified user has no record of activity in any of: Posts, Comments, Votes, or PostHistory. (aka consecutive days in a row)
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select owneruserid as uid, cast(creationdate as date) as dt into #temp from posts where owneruserid in (##UserID##) insert into #temp select userid as uid, cast(creationdate as date) as dt from posthistory where userid in (##UserID##) insert into #temp select userid as uid, cast(creationdate as date) as dt from comments where userid in (##UserID##) insert into #temp select userid as uid, cast(creationdate as date) as dt from votes where userid in (##UserID##) select distinct dt, uid into #userdate from #temp create table #calendar ([dt] date) declare @StartDate date, @EndDate as date set @StartDate = dateadd(YY, -2, getdate() ) --2 years back set @EndDate = (select cast(max(creationdate) as date) from posts) while @StartDate <= @EndDate begin insert into #Calendar(dt) select @StartDate set @StartDate = dateadd(dd, 1, @StartDate) end select c.dt, u.uid as [UserID] into #activity from #userdate u right join #Calendar c on u.dt = c.dt order by c.dt select ##UserID## as [User Link], format(max(dt),'ddd MMMM d, yyyy') as [Last Day Missed], cast(datediff(d,max(dt),getdate())-1 as varchar)+' days' as [# Consecutive Days] from #activity where [UserID] is null --UserID:Enter a numeric User ID to query: