Q&A about the site for Drupal developers and administrators
-- Returns all close voters since StartDate, ordered from most to least votes -- Only counts closed votes that actually resulted in a closure, -- and does not count deleted questions -- I wouldn't recommend running this on StackOverflow due to its size -- Variables - Set start date to timeframe you want declare @startDate datetime set @startDate = '1/1/2015' declare @userid int declare @users table ( userid int, closedcount int ) -- Cursor for all users who can vote to close declare cur cursor for select id from users where reputation >= 3000 and lastaccessdate >= @startDate open cur fetch next from cur into @userid while @@fetch_status = 0 begin insert into @users(userid, closedcount) SELECT @userid, count(*) FROM PostHistory WHERE PostHistoryTypeId = 10 AND Text LIKE '%"Id":' + CAST(@userid AS nvarchar) + ',%' and creationdate >= @startDate fetch next from cur into @userid end close cur deallocate cur -- Add Mark Trapp insert into @users(userid, closedcount) SELECT 8, count(*) FROM PostHistory WHERE PostHistoryTypeId = 10 AND Text LIKE '%"Id":' + CAST(8 AS nvarchar) + ',%' and creationdate >= @startDate -- Add MichaelT insert into @users(userid, closedcount) SELECT 40980, count(*) FROM PostHistory WHERE PostHistoryTypeId = 10 AND Text LIKE '%"Id":' + CAST(40980 AS nvarchar) + ',%' and creationdate >= @startDate -- Return results select top 100 u.ClosedCount, case when u.userid = 8 then 'Mark Trapp' when u.userid = 40980 then 'MichaelT' else users.displayname end as 'User', convert(nvarchar, (select max(creationdate) from posts where ownerUserId = users.id), 101) as [LastPostDate], convert(nvarchar, (select max(creationdate) from votes where userId = users.id), 101) as [LastVoteDate] from @users as u left outer join users on u.userid = users.id order by u.closedcount desc