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SELECT TOP ##NumberOfPosts:int?50## Posts.Score, Posts.Id AS [Post Link], Posts.CreationDate, Posts.LastActivityDate, Users.Reputation AS [Author's current reputation] FROM Posts INNER JOIN Users on Posts.OwnerUserId = Users.Id WHERE Posts.CreationDate >= DATEADD(DAY, -30, GETDATE()) AND Users.Reputation < 2000 --Search for posts by users with relatively low reputation, high reputation users usually know what they're doing AND NOT Posts.Body LIKE '%<img src%' --If the link is already an image we don't have to do anything AND NOT Posts.Body LIKE '%<a %<a %<a %<a %<a %' --If the OP has enough reputation to post lots of links, he has enough reputation to post images AND ( Posts.Body LIKE '%<a href=%imgur%.png%>%</a>%' OR Posts.Body LIKE '%<a href=%imgur%.gif%>%</a>%' OR Posts.Body LIKE '%<a href=%imgur%.jpg%>%</a>%' OR Posts.Body LIKE '%<a href=%imgur%.jpe%>%</a>%' OR Posts.Body LIKE '%<a href=%imgur%.bmp%>%</a>%' ) ORDER BY Score DESC