Suggested Edits Reputation League


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This tool tells the top users of a SE site except for its Meta counterpart (if it exists) in terms of the reputation earned from suggesting edits. The following rules in the specified order are used to determine the rank of a user: 1. Higher the number of Approved Suggestions on visible posts, lower the rank. 2. Higher the Approval Rate, lower the rank. 3. Higher the Overall Reputation, lower the rank. 4. Older the user, lower the rank.

Physical Fitness Meta

Q&A about the site for physical fitness professionals, athletes, trainers, and those providing health-related needs

select top 100
u.Id as [User Link], --first column
count(se.ApprovalDate) as '# Accepted Suggestions', --second column
when count(se.ApprovalDate)*2 > 1000 then 1000
else count(se.ApprovalDate)*2
end as 'Reputation From Suggesting Edits', --third column
--u.Reputation as 'Overall Reputation', --forth column
round(count(se.ApprovalDate)*100.0/(count(se.ApprovalDate)+count(se.RejectionDate)),2) as 'Approval Rate' --fifth column
from Users u
join SuggestedEdits se on se.OwnerUserId=u.Id
ORDER BY count(se.ApprovalDate) desc,
count(se.ApprovalDate)*100.0/(count(se.ApprovalDate)+count(se.RejectionDate)) desc
--u.Reputation desc

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