Inspect phrase distribution of recent user posts with low reputation


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Game Development Meta

Q&A about the site for professional and independent game developers

declare @past int = 4;
declare @Today smalldatetime = getdate();
declare @After smalldatetime = DATEADD(week, -@past, @Today); 

with unit as (
  select top 1000000
  from users u
    u.CreationDate > @after
    and reputation < 100
  order by 
    creationDate desc


-- retrieve posts

main as (

  select postId, userId,score,title,p.body,p.tags,
      try_convert(xml,p.body) tmp,
    p.creationDate postDate, 
    u.creationDate signupDate 
  from posts p 
  inner join unit u on 
    p.OwnerUserId = u.Id and p.postTypeId = 1
    p.CreationDate > @after


-- post process text nodes
-- investigate better tokenisation alternative:

post as (

  SELECT postId,
     '#', '|')
     ),'''','') text
  FROM main
  CROSS APPLY tmp.nodes('/p/text()') AS T2(Loc)   

cuts as (

  select postId, trim(value) as phrase from post 
   cross apply string_split(text,'|',1)


-- trigrams (warning: slow)

/*term as (

    postId,checksum(text) as sig,
    value phrase,ordinal
  from post
  cross apply string_split(trim(replace(text,'|',' ')),' ',1)


tris as (

  select t1.postId,t1.phrase + ' ' + t2.phrase + ' ' + t3.phrase phrase from term t1
    left join term t2 on t1.postId = t2.postId and t1.sig = t2.sig and t1.ordinal = t2.ordinal -1
    left join term t3 on t1.postId = t3.postId and t1.sig = t3.sig and t1.ordinal = t3.ordinal -2   
  -- order by t1.postId,t1.sig,t1.ordinal


fuse as (

  select * from cuts
   union all
  select * from tris


-- phrase inversion method

/*calc as (

  select postId, checksum(text) sig, 
    trim(value) as term,
    count(postId) over(partition by value) mag,
    ordinal as ord from post 
  cross apply string_split(replace(text,'|',''),' ',1)


tier as (

  select *,percent_rank() over(order by mag desc,term) pos 
  from calc


fuse as (

    string_agg(iif(pos > 0.025 and pos < 0.2 or pos > 0.8, '|' + term,term),' ') 
    within group (order by ord) text

  from tier 
  group by postId,sig


stat as (

 select top 1024 trim(value) as phrase,count(postId) mag from fuse
  cross apply string_split(text,'|')
  where trim(value) like '% %'
  group by trim(value) order by mag desc


dist as (

  select top 1024
    phrase, count(distinct postId) questions 
  from cuts -- fuse -- if using tris
    len(phrase) > 6 and trim(phrase) like '% % %' 
    and trim(phrase) not like '% % % % % %' 
  group by phrase
  order by questions desc,phrase


select * from dist order by phrase

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