The top 500 open questions based on a high votes/view ratio, with a few exclusions for low score / accepted / lots of answer.
Q&A about the site for professional and independent game developers
-- Relatively high scoring questions with low views -- The top 500 open questions based on a high votes/view ratio, with -- a few exclusions for low score / accepted / lots of answer. SELECT TOP 500 P.Id AS [Post Link] , P.ViewCount , P.Score, P.AnswerCount, ROUND(CAST(P.Score AS FLOAT)/P.ViewCount,5) AS ScorePerView FROM Posts P WHERE P.ViewCount > 0 -- Otherwise we seem to get the elections posts AND P.ClosedDate IS NULL AND P.Score >= 10 AND P.AnswerCount <= 3 AND AcceptedAnswerId IS NULL ORDER BY ScorePerView DESC