SELECT q.Id AS QuestionId, q.Title AS QuestionTitle, q.Bo...


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Game Development Meta

Q&A about the site for professional and independent game developers

SELECT q.Id AS QuestionId, q.Title AS QuestionTitle, q.Body AS QuestionBody, 
       a.Id AS AnswerId, a.Body AS AnswerBody, 
       c.Text AS CommentText, c.CreationDate AS CommentCreationDate
FROM Posts q
LEFT JOIN Posts a ON q.AcceptedAnswerId = a.Id  -- Join with the accepted answer
LEFT JOIN Comments c ON q.Id = c.PostId OR a.Id = c.PostId  -- Join with comments on either the question or the answer
WHERE (q.Tags LIKE '%youtube-api%' OR q.Tags LIKE '%youtube-data-api%')
AND q.PostTypeId = 1  -- Select only questions
AND q.AcceptedAnswerId IS NOT NULL;  -- Ensure the question has an accepted answer

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