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Gardening and Landscaping Meta

Q&A about the site for gardeners and landscapers

-- Really old, low views, low votes and even unanswered questions.

SELECT TOP 1000 p.Score, p.Id AS [Post Link], p.ViewCount, p.Tags, Year(p.LastActivityDate), Month(p.LastActivityDate), CASE WHEN p.ClosedDate IS NULL THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END AS Closed
FROM Posts p
WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1 AND p.ViewCount < 200 AND p.Score < 4 AND p.AcceptedAnswerId IS NULL AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT c.[Id] FROM [Posts] c WHERE c.[Score] > 0 AND c.[ParentId] = p.[Id])
ORDER BY Year(p.LastActivityDate), Month(p.LastActivityDate), p.Score, p.ViewCount

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