Questions ready for Cleanup


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Cleanup needs a list of questions. Here is a list of unanswered questions at least 60 days old.

Gardening and Landscaping Meta

Q&A about the site for gardeners and landscapers

SELECT q.Id               AS [Post Link],
       CASE WHEN
         q.AnswerCount IS NULL THEN 0 -- workaround - AnswerCount can be either NULL or 0
         ELSE q.AnswerCount
       END                AS Answers,
       CASE WHEN
         q.CommunityOwnedDate IS NOT NULL THEN 'Yes'
         ELSE NULL
       END                AS Wiki,
       q.ClosedDate       AS Closed,
       q.LastActivityDate AS [Last Active],
       q.OwnerUserId      AS [User Link]
FROM   Posts q
WHERE  q.PostTypeId = 1               -- get questions
       AND q.Score < 0                -- negatively voted questions
       AND q.ClosedDate IS NOT NULL   -- that are also closed
       AND q.AcceptedAnswerId IS NULL -- and do not have an accepted answer
       AND (q.AnswerCount IS NULL     -- and do not have any upvoted answers
            OR q.AnswerCount = 0
            OR NOT EXISTS ( -- there is probably a better way of doing this but whatever
              SELECT Id
              FROM   Posts a
              WHERE  a.PostTypeId = 2
                     AND a.ParentId = q.Id
                     AND a.Score > 0)

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