Q&A about the site for expert genealogists and people interested in genealogy or family history
-- escape %, _, [, <, >, etc. select top 200 p.id, p.posttypeid, p.score, p.body, p.id as [Post Link] --, charindex('‿', body) , len(body) from posts p --inner join posttags pt on pt.postid = p.id --inner join posttags pt on pt.postid = p.parentid where --and pt.tagid = 704 --and lower(body) like '%line-to%' --and body like '%\>%' ( --p.id = 45432 and (body like '%AutoTeX%') and (body like '%converted-to%') --(charindex('‿', body) <> 0) -- oddly enough it doesn't work ) --and body like '%~%' --and title like '%\>%' --and posttypeid = 2 -- 1 = question, 2 = answer --order by p.score desc --order by p.creationdate desc