Q&A about the site for expert genealogists and people interested in genealogy or family history
-- select users cominf from India, China, USA -- -- after checking logical model, the user table has all the info we need -- /* select * from Users where Location like '%China%' or Location like '%India' or Location like '%USA%' */ -- rewrite by using case then -- /*select ID, Location, 'Country coming from' = case when Location like '%India%' then 'Coming from India' when Location like '%China%' then 'Coming from China' when Location like '%USA%' then 'Coming from USA' when Location id null then 'No location information' else 'Coming from other countries' end from Users */ -- generate a frequency distribution tabel for reputaion (x axis) (count=y axis) -- /*select count(Id) as 'CountReputation', Reputation /*as = alias name for the column*/ from Users group by Reputation having Reputation > 100 order by Reputation desc */ -- finding users whose Reputation is above average -- select avg (Reputation) from Users