Enter a tag and a time range to see the growth in posts using that tag over time, grouped by calendar months by default. Set the mode parameter to 1 if you want to group by calendar months, but aligned to last dump day instead of calendar boundaries; or 2 to group by 30-day periods ('months') aligned to last dump day.
Q&A about the site for expert genealogists and people interested in genealogy or family history
-- Note from editor: Don't let the original author of this query anywhere -- near your databases. If you were considering letting them anywhere near -- your databases, look at the revision history of this query first. (And -- if you haven't time for that, just look at the previous revision: -- <http://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/revision/90306/145532/>.) -- Defend your database servers with sharp objects if necessary. That's how -- bad the previous iterations of this query were. (And if you couldn't -- figure that out on your own, you don't deserve to be anywhere near a -- database either.) DECLARE @TagName NVARCHAR(25) = ##TagName:string?vs-team-services##, @MinMonthsAgo INT = ##MinMonthsAgo:int?0##, @MaxMonthsAgo INT = ##MaxMonthsAgo:int?12##, @GroupingMode TINYINT = ##GroupingMode:int?0##, @CurrentDate DATE = GETDATE(); WITH PostsWithTag(MonthsAgo, IsQ, IsA) AS ( SELECT CASE @GroupingMode WHEN 0 THEN DATEDIFF(month, P.CreationDate, @CurrentDate) WHEN 1 THEN DATEDIFF(month, P.CreationDate, @CurrentDate) WHEN 2 THEN DATEDIFF(day, P.CreationDate, @CurrentDate) / 30 END - CASE -- bother DATEDIFF and its odd month behaviour -- http://www.sqlteam.com/article/datediff-function-demystified WHEN @GroupingMode = 1 AND DATEPART(day, P.CreationDate) > DATEPART(day, @CurrentDate) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, CASE PostTypeId WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END, CASE PostTypeId WHEN 2 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END FROM Posts AS P INNER JOIN PostTags AS PT ON PT.PostId IN (P.Id, P.ParentId) WHERE PT.TagId = (SELECT Id FROM Tags WHERE LOWER(TagName) = LOWER(@TagName)) ) SELECT CASE MonthsAgo WHEN 0 THEN 'this month' WHEN 1 THEN 'last month' ELSE CONCAT(MonthsAgo, ' months ago') END AS [Date], COUNT(*) AS [Post Count], -- (m - n)/n = m/n - n/n = m/n - 1 FORMAT(CAST(COUNT(*) AS FLOAT) / LAG(COUNT(*)) OVER (ORDER BY MonthsAgo DESC) - 1, '+##0.##%;-##0.##%') AS [Post Change], COUNT(IsQ) AS [Question Count], -- (m - n)/n = m/n - n/n = m/n - 1 FORMAT(CAST(COUNT(IsQ) AS FLOAT) / LAG(COUNT(IsQ)) OVER (ORDER BY MonthsAgo DESC) - 1, '+##0.##%;-##0.##%') AS [Question Change], COUNT(IsA) AS [Answer Count], -- (m - n)/n = m/n - n/n = m/n - 1 FORMAT(CAST(COUNT(IsA) AS FLOAT) / LAG(COUNT(IsA)) OVER (ORDER BY MonthsAgo DESC) - 1, '+##0.##%;-##0.##%') AS [Answer Change] FROM PostsWithTag WHERE MonthsAgo BETWEEN @MinMonthsAgo AND @MaxMonthsAgo GROUP BY MonthsAgo ORDER BY MonthsAgo DESC;