Based on The default parameters are good for scifi.SE. The second results table lists tags that didn't have any connections to other tags.
Q&A about the site for expert genealogists and people interested in genealogy or family history
-- for plots like this one: -- -- P(tag1 and tag2)/[P(tag1) P(tag2)] is -- #tag1tag2 #questions / (#tag1 #tag2) -- OERatio = 1 is for independent tags; -- more means there is a positive correlations between them -- a typical cut-off can be OERatio >= 4 -- to be set manually declare @CountAll int = (select count(*) from Posts where PostTypeId = 1) -- RatioCap: OERatio Cap "Cap the OERatio at this value" declare @RatioCap float = ##RatioCap:float?1000## -- create #TagsMerged select Tags.Id, Tags.TagName, count(distinct PostTags.PostId) as [Count] into #TagsMerged from Tags left join TagSynonyms ts1 on ts1.TargetTagName = Tags.TagName and ts1.ApprovalDate is not null left join TagSynonyms ts2 on ts2.SourceTagName = Tags.TagName and ts2.ApprovalDate is not null left join Tags tstags on tstags.TagName = ts1.SourceTagName inner join PostTags on PostTags.TagId in (Tags.Id, tstags.Id) where ts2.SourceTagName is null group by Tags.Id, Tags.TagName -- create #PostTagsMerged select PostTags.PostId, coalesce(tgt.Id, t.Id) as TagId--, min(t.Id) as OriginalTagId into #PostTagsMerged from PostTags inner join Tags t on PostTags.TagId = t.Id left join TagSynonyms ts on ts.SourceTagName = t.TagName and ts.ApprovalDate is not null left join Tags tgt on tgt.TagName = ts.TargetTagName group by PostTags.PostId, coalesce(tgt.Id, t.Id) -- make the OERatio table SELECT TOP ##NumTags?10000## TagName Tag, Count TagCount into #TagCounts FROM #TagsMerged WHERE TagName != 'untagged' and Count >= ##MinTagCount?100## ORDER BY TagCount DESC, TagName SELECT T1.TagName Tag1, T2.TagName Tag2, count(*) TagPairCount into #TagPairCounts FROM Posts P INNER JOIN #PostTagsMerged PT1 ON PT1.PostId = P.Id INNER JOIN #PostTagsMerged PT2 ON PT2.PostId = P.Id INNER JOIN #TagsMerged T1 ON T1.Id = PT1.TagId INNER JOIN #TagsMerged T2 ON T2.Id = PT2.TagId WHERE T1.TagName < T2.TagName GROUP BY T1.TagName, T2.TagName SELECT TPC.Tag1 Tag1, TPC.Tag2 Tag2, CAST(TPC.TagPairCount as FLOAT) * CAST(@CountAll as FLOAT) / (CAST(TC1.TagCount as FLOAT) * CAST(TC2.TagCount as FLOAT)) OERatio, --almost there, just to normalize TC1.TagCount Count1, TC2.TagCount Count2, TPC.TagPairCount Count12 INTO #OETable FROM #TagPairCounts TPC INNER JOIN #TagCounts TC1 ON TC1.Tag = TPC.Tag1 INNER JOIN #TagCounts TC2 ON TC2.Tag = TPC.Tag2 WHERE CAST(TPC.TagPairCount as FLOAT) * CAST(@CountAll as FLOAT) / (CAST(TC1.TagCount as FLOAT) * CAST(TC2.TagCount as FLOAT)) >= ##MinOERatio?1.75## AND TPC.TagPairCount >= ##MinTagPairCount?2## -- show tags that never matched, and a count of tags that did SELECT TagsSearched, TagsMatched, Count into #TagsMatched FROM (SELECT Tag1 as TagsMatched FROM #OETable UNION SELECT Tag2 FROM #OETable) Matched RIGHT JOIN (SELECT TOP ##NumTags## TagName as TagsSearched, Count FROM #TagsMerged WHERE Count >= ##MinTagCount## ORDER BY Count DESC, TagName) AS Searched ON Searched.TagsSearched = Matched.TagsMatched -- insert loose nodes for any tags that didn't match. Comment this part -- out if you want all nodes to have connections. This part will cause -- warnings when importing the data into gephi. insert into #OETable select TagsSearched, TagsSearched, 0, Count, Count, 0 from #TagsMatched where TagsMatched is null -- show the results SELECT Tag1, Tag2, case when OERatio > @RatioCap then @RatioCap else OERatio end as OERatio, Count1, Count2, Count12, @CountAll as CountAll FROM #OETable ORDER BY OERatio desc, Count1, Count2, Count12, Tag1, Tag2 -- show count of tags matched select count(TagsSearched) as 'Tags searched', count(TagsMatched) as 'Tags matched', (select count(Id) from Tags where Count > 0) as 'All tags', format((select count(distinct PostId) from #TagsMatched inner join #TagsMerged on TagsMatched = #TagsMerged.TagName inner join #PostTagsMerged on #TagsMerged.Id = #PostTagsMerged.TagId) * 1.0 / @CountAll, 'p') as [Questions represented in tags matched], -- two subqueries here is probably inefficient format((select count(distinct PostId) from #TagsMatched inner join #TagsMerged on TagsSearched = #TagsMerged.TagName inner join #PostTagsMerged on #TagsMerged.Id = #PostTagsMerged.TagId) * 1.0 / @CountAll, 'p') as [Questions represented in tags searched] from #TagsMatched -- show some statistics on the tags matched select MaxValues.TagName, max(OERatio) as [Max OERatio], max(PairCount) as [Max PairCount], Count as [Tag Count] from ( SELECT Tag1 as TagName, max(OERatio) as OERatio, max(Count12) as PairCount FROM #OETable GROUP BY Tag1 UNION SELECT Tag2, max(OERatio), max(Count12) from #OETable group by Tag2) MaxValues left join #TagsMerged on #TagsMerged.TagName = MaxValues.TagName where OERatio > 0 group by MaxValues.TagName, Count ORDER BY 2, 3 DESC, MaxValues.TagName