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with t as ( select '28 Smith Avenue^MOOROOLBARK VIC 3138^' as PostalAddress union select '16 Farr Street^HEYFIELD VIC 3858^' as PostalAddress union select '17 Terry Road^LOWER PLENTY VIC 3093^' as PostalAddress ) select * from ( select row_number() over (order by PostalAddress) as row_number, left(PostalAddress, charindex('^', PostalAddress) - 1) as street_address, left(second_part, len(second_part) - charindex(' ', reverse(second_part))) as suburb, right(second_part, charindex(' ', reverse(second_part))) as state, reverse(substring(reverse(PostalAddress), 2, 4)) as postal_code from ( select PostalAddress, rtrim(reverse(substring(reverse(PostalAddress), 6, len(PostalAddress) - charindex('^', PostalAddress) - 5))) as second_part from t ) as t1 ) as t2 where row_number between 1 and 3