Less than performant query that takes all the words (sort of) that show up in post titles that have been closed a not constructive (I think) and selects the 10 that occur the most frequently. Added a filter for common words, but what it probably needs to do is analyze words that were and were not included in closed posts, then return only the top 10 that had no instances of non-constructive (or below a threshold?) Replace the "TOP 100 PERCENT" with a much smaller number, 1000 took about 40s when I ran it, 100 was about 300ms
Q&A about the site for expert genealogists and people interested in genealogy or family history
CREATE TABLE #Titles (PostId bigint, Title nvarchar(250) ); INSERT INTO #Titles (PostId, Title) SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT P.Id, LOWER(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(P.Title, ',', ' '), '?', ''), ' ',' '), '/', ''), ':', '')) FROM Posts P INNER JOIN PostHistory PH ON PH.PostId = P.Id WHERE PH.Comment = '3'; CREATE TABLE #StuffToIgnore ( Word varchar(250) ); INSERT INTO #StuffToIgnore VALUES ('it') , ('for') , ('to') , ('is') , ('a') , ('the') , ('and') , ('of') , ('are') , ('as') , ('or') , ('i') --, ('what') --, ('how') ; WITH TitleWords (PostId, Word, Rem) AS ( SELECT PostId, SUBSTRING(Title, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', Title + ' ')), SUBSTRING(Title, CHARINDEX(' ', Title + ' ') + 1, LEN(Title)) FROM #Titles T UNION ALL SELECT PostId, SUBSTRING(Rem, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', Rem + ' ')), SUBSTRING(Rem, CHARINDEX(' ', Rem + ' ') + 1, LEN(Rem)) FROM TitleWords WHERE LEN(Rem) > 0 ) SELECT TOP 10 TW.Word, COUNT(PostId) AS NumOccurred FROM TitleWords TW LEFT JOIN #StuffToIgnore STI ON STI.Word = TW.Word WHERE STI.Word IS NULL GROUP BY TW.Word ORDER BY COUNT(PostId) DESC; DROP TABLE #Titles; DROP TABLE #StuffToIgnore;