Q&A about the site for expert genealogists and people interested in genealogy or family history
--@Merlin we want to know the percentage of questions which are: --unanswered, that are not closed or wiki. --low rep users (i.e < 12) have an up voted answer but no accepted answer --percentage of unanswered questions by asker's reputation --SET NOCOUNT ON; -- doesn't seem to work in data.SE --GO DECLARE @unanswered int = 0; DECLARE @answered int = 0; DECLARE @closedwo int = 0; WITH TaggedPosts(PostId) AS ( SELECT pt.PostId as PostId FROM PostTags pt INNER JOIN Tags t ON t.Id=pt.TagId WHERE t.TagName LIKE '%' + ##tag:string## + '%' GROUP BY pt.PostId ) /* --UNANSWERED SELECT @unanswered = count(tp.PostId) FROM TaggedPosts tp INNER JOIN Posts p ON p.Id=tp.PostId WHERE PostTypeId = 1 AND AcceptedAnswerId IS NULL AND AnswerCount > 0 AND ClosedDate IS NULL --ANSWERED SELECT @answered = count(tp.PostId) FROM TaggedPosts tp INNER JOIN Posts p ON p.Id=tp.PostId WHERE PostTypeId = 1 AND AcceptedAnswerId IS NOT NULL AND AnswerCount = 0 AND ClosedDate IS NULL */ -- CLOSED SELECT @closedwo = count(tp.PostId) FROM TaggedPosts tp INNER JOIN Posts p ON p.Id=tp.PostId WHERE PostTypeId = 1 AND AcceptedAnswerId IS NULL AND AnswerCount > 0 AND ClosedDate IS NOT NULL SELECT @unanswered as unaswered, @answered as answered, @closedwo as closedwo SET NOCOUNT OFF; GO