Q&A about the site for expert genealogists and people interested in genealogy or family history
SELECT CAST(p.CreationDate AS Date), COUNT(p.Id) AS [Spam Posts] FROM PostsWithDeleted p INNER JOIN Votes v ON v.PostId = p.Id WHERE v.VoteTypeId IN (##types?4,12##) AND (p.DeletionDate IS NOT NULL) AND (p.PostTypeId IN (##posttypes?1,2##)) ---1 = only questions ---2 = only answers ---1,2 = both AND (CAST(p.CreationDate AS Date)>= '##Date1?2021-01-01##') AND (CAST(p.CreationDate AS Date) <= '##Date2?2030-01-01##') GROUP BY CAST(p.CreationDate AS Date) ORDER BY CAST(p.CreationDate AS Date)