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CREATE table #codigos ([codigo] varchar(10), [origen] varchar(10), stock int) ; CREATE table #dpm_trace ([codigo] varchar(10), anyomes int, ent int, sal int) ; INSERT INTO #codigos (codigo, origen, stock) VALUES ('01716', 'interno', 1000), ('001', 'externo', 10), ('002', 'interno', 20), ('003', 'compras', 0) ; INSERT INTO #dpm_trace (codigo, anyomes, ent, sal) VALUES ('01716', 202401, 10, 20), ('01716', 202402, 30, 0), ('01716', 202403, 0, 50), ('01716', 202404, 100, 200), ('001', 202401, 0, 0), ('001', 202402, 30, 0), ('001', 202403, 20, 20), ('001', 202404, 0, 10) ; select c.codigo, case when d.anyomes=202401 then c.stock end [m+1_stock_ini], case when d.anyomes=202401 then d.ent end [m+1_ent], case when d.anyomes=202401 then d.sal end [m+1_sal], case when d.anyomes=202401 then c.stock + d.ent - d.sal end [m+1_stock_fin] from #codigos c left join #dpm_trace d ON d.codigo=c.codigo --select -- max(case when columnname = 'FirstName' then value end) Firstname, -- max(case when columnname = 'Amount' then value end) Amount, -- max(case when columnname = 'PostalCode' then value end) PostalCode, -- max(case when columnname = 'LastName' then value end) LastName, -- max(case when columnname = 'AccountNumber' then value end) AccountNumber --from #yourtable