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CREATE table #codigos
  ([codigo] varchar(10), [origen] varchar(10), stock int)

CREATE table #dpm_trace
  ([codigo] varchar(10), anyomes int, ent int, sal int)

INSERT INTO #codigos
    (codigo, origen, stock)
    ('01716', 'interno', 1000),
    ('001', 'externo', 10),
    ('002', 'interno', 20),
    ('003', 'compras', 0)

INSERT INTO #dpm_trace
    (codigo, anyomes, ent, sal)
    ('01716', 202401, 10, 20),
    ('01716', 202402, 30, 0),
    ('01716', 202403, 0, 50),
    ('01716', 202404, 100, 200),
    ('001', 202401, 0, 0),
    ('001', 202402, 30, 0),
    ('001', 202403, 20, 20),
    ('001', 202404, 0, 10)

WITH trace AS(  -- stock inicial del primer mes y acumulado entrada y salidas
      ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY d.codigo ORDER BY d.codigo, d.anyomes) as rn,
      d.codigo, c.origen, d.anyomes, c.stock as stock_actual, d.ent, d.sal,
      sum(d.ent) over (partition by d.codigo order by d.codigo, d.anyomes) as ent_acumulada,
      sum(d.sal) over (partition by d.codigo order by d.codigo, d.anyomes) as sal_acumulada
    from #dpm_trace d
    left join #codigos c ON c.codigo = d.codigo
  rn, codigo, origen,
  case when rn=1 
    then stock_actual
    else stock_actual 
        + LAG(ent_acumulada, 1) OVER (ORDER BY codigo, rn) 
        - LAG(sal_acumulada, 1) OVER (ORDER BY codigo, rn) 
  end as stock_ini,
  --[stock_fin] = 1
  [stock_fin] = stock_actual + ent_acumulada - sal_acumulada
from trace

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